Whole Home Humidifiers
Dry Skin, Itchy Eyes, And Sore Throats?
. . . it could be your FURNACE.
Mrs. Michael believes everyone needs a Furnace Humidifier that works well all winter, because it’s a health issue!
For us, Furnace Humidifier repair or installation is serious business, as it can:
- Improve overall health and comfort in your home
- Reduce dry skin and improve overall hydration
- Reduce joint and muscle pain, raspy throat, sore eyes
- Reduce stuffy noses and allergy and asthma symptoms
- Help protect furnishings, hardwood floors and woodwork
- Significantly reduce risk of respiratory infections in the cold months
- Help control the occurrence of airborne infections
Furnace humidifiers are an excellent way to improve the air quality and comfort in your home. Many homeowners have turned to these systems because of the numerous benefits they offer.
Can Installing a Humidifier Reduce My Energy Bills?
Absolutely! Warm, humid summer air feels hotter than it actually is because of the moisture it contains. The same principle applies to your home in the winter. By keeping humidity inside your home at an ideal level, you can turn your thermostat down a few degrees and still feel the same comfort level!
But, Improperly installed humidifiers can put too much water into the air, which leads to increased dust mites and mold growth, an equally unhealthy environment!
Let a Mrs. Michael Furnace MASTER test your air quality and moisture level, and give you the facts, and all your options.